
Poly Bridge怎么操作 桥梁建造师游戏操作攻略大全

 Poly Bridge怎么操作?Poly Bridge桥梁建造师操作方法介绍。《Poly Bridge》是一款模拟经营题材的单机游戏,Poly Bridge 3dm破解版让很多国内玩家了解了这款建造桥梁的游戏。该游戏以通关为目的,每一关都需要建造不同的桥梁,并通过汽车的测试才能算作过关,游戏十分有趣,挑战性也很强。alo耐玩游戏网


poly bridge桥梁建造师操作攻略指南

· The world map allows you to navigate the various worldsand shows your progress through the campaign.跟着世界地图的导航,循序渐进,由简入繁,不断进步。alo耐玩游戏网

· A: Displays your progress through each world and howmany levels you have completed under budget. A显示符合预算的项目及其进度。alo耐玩游戏网

· B: The scooter indicates your current level. B摩托车走到哪儿,哪儿就是我的家。alo耐玩游戏网

· C: A yellow square indicates a level completedover-budget C黄色方格表示项目超出预算。alo耐玩游戏网

· D: A green square indicates a level completedunder-budget. D绿色方格表示项目完成符合预算。alo耐玩游戏网

· E: You may replay the tutorial if you need arefresher. E重播教程,温故而知新。alo耐玩游戏网

· F: Return to the main menu. F回到主目录。alo耐玩游戏网

Level Menu 项目菜单alo耐玩游戏网

Load: Browse and loadpreviously saved bridges.加载:浏览加载旧档。alo耐玩游戏网

Save: Save your bridge. 保存。alo耐玩游戏网

Feedback: See 10 - Feedback/Bug Reports. 反馈。alo耐玩游戏网

Options: See 2 - Options. 选项。alo耐玩游戏网

Exit: Returns you to the WorldMap. 退出。alo耐玩游戏网

Controls 操作,主要是Mouse 鼠标操作和键盘操作。alo耐玩游戏网


Left Click: Select orDraw.左键选择拖动alo耐玩游戏网

Right Click: Deselectcurrent material or Delete with click-and-drag.右键取消选择或者点击并拖动进行删除。alo耐玩游戏网

Double Click: Changes ajoint to a split-joint, or vice-versa.双击加入结合点,再次双击取消。alo耐玩游戏网

Wheel: Zoom in or out.鼠标滚轮缩放界面。alo耐玩游戏网

Middle Click: Brings upthe tool wheel.中键弹出工具菜单。alo耐玩游戏网

Keyboard 键盘操作部分如下alo耐玩游戏网

Space: Run simulation. 空格键运行运动仿真。alo耐玩游戏网

ShiftClick: Click-and-drag a joint to adjust its location*. Pans the camerawhile in 3D.alo耐玩游戏网


Alt Click: Create orremove a split joint. Alt +单击:创建或者删除一个结合点。(无效)alo耐玩游戏网

Ctrl: Delete modifier,click-and-drag.Ctrl+框选:Ctrl+框选,可以选择批量删除或者复制或者剪切。alo耐玩游戏网

J: While hovering over ajoint, pressing J changes a joint to a split-joint, or vice-versa.等同于鼠标双击。alo耐玩游戏网

P: Pauses/Unpauses theSimulation. P:运动仿真暂停。alo耐玩游戏网

T: Brings up the ToolWheel. T:弹出工具菜单等同于鼠标中键。alo耐玩游戏网

Z: Undoes last action.Repeatable. Z:撤消上次操作。alo耐玩游戏网

1: Selects road. 1选择铺路alo耐玩游戏网

2: Selects wood. 2选择木材alo耐玩游戏网

3: Selects steel. 3选择钢铁alo耐玩游戏网

4: Selects hydraulics. 4选择液压工具alo耐玩游戏网

5: Selects cable. 5选择钢缆alo耐玩游戏网

6: Selects suspension. 6选择悬索桥alo耐玩游戏网


A项目菜单 B预算 C材料限制 D仿真速度 E应力(红绿色) F网格alo耐玩游戏网




The simulator models your design in 3D, with gravity. Vehicles attempt to cross your bridge and boats travel down the river in a predetermined order. Adjusting the speed modifier adjusts the speed of the simulation, this does not affect speed of vehicles relative to the simulation. With stress view activated you can see the live load on your bridge. See 1.5.1 - Stress View.alo耐玩游戏网


Stress View应力状态alo耐玩游戏网

Stress view will display the live load on your bridge, from Low (Green) to Medium (Yellow) to High (Red), during a simulation. Stress view can be best used by adjusting the simulation speed and viewing your replays. See 7 - Replays, and 5.7 - Detecting Weak Points for more info.alo耐玩游戏网


Material 材料属性alo耐玩游戏网

Math is boring, that's why we spent countless minutes finding good values for the strength of materials. For those math addicts out there here are the numbers,measured in PolyNewtons.alo耐玩游戏网



Road: Provides a surface for your vehicles to drive on.——有车必有路
- Strength: Varies*(根据环境变化)——强度alo耐玩游戏网

- Max Length: 2m——最大长度alo耐玩游戏网

- Cost: $200/m——成本alo耐玩游戏网

Wood: The cheapest construction material.——最便宜的建筑材料 木alo耐玩游戏网

- Strength: 800PNalo耐玩游戏网

- Max Length: 2malo耐玩游戏网

- Cost: $180/malo耐玩游戏网

Steel: Stronger and longer than wood.——比木强,比木长alo耐玩游戏网

- Strength: 2000PNalo耐玩游戏网

- Max Length: 4malo耐玩游戏网

- Cost: $450/malo耐玩游戏网

Cable: Cables do not haveany compressive strength, tensile strength only.alo耐玩游戏网


- Strength: 1200PNalo耐玩游戏网

- Max Length: Unlimitedalo耐玩游戏网

- Cost: $220/malo耐玩游戏网

Hydraulics: Used for drawbridges. Expands or contracts to a specified length.alo耐玩游戏网


- Strength: 1800PNalo耐玩游戏网

- Max Length: 4malo耐玩游戏网

- Cost: $750/malo耐玩游戏网

Suspension: Place a suspension cable between two points. See 6- Suspension for more info.alo耐玩游戏网


- Strength: 2000PNalo耐玩游戏网

- Max Length: Unlimitedalo耐玩游戏网

- Cost: $260/malo耐玩游戏网

PN = PolyNewtonsalo耐玩游戏网

m = metresalo耐玩游戏网

* Road Strength is 700PN if unsupported, 1200-1400PN if supported by 1~3+non-road materials.alo耐玩游戏网



Old Man Vespa: 1Pg——低座摩托车alo耐玩游戏网

Tuk Tuk: 2.5Pg——三轮车alo耐玩游戏网

City Car: 3Pg——小汽车alo耐玩游戏网

Mini Car: 4Pg——MINICooperalo耐玩游戏网

Little Bug: 4.5Pg——小型巴士alo耐玩游戏网

Station Wagon: 5Pg——旅行車alo耐玩游戏网

Vintage Car: 5Pg——老爷车alo耐玩游戏网

Sports Car: 5.5Pg——跑车alo耐玩游戏网

Monster Truck: 6Pg——巨轮卡车alo耐玩游戏网

Surfer Van: 6.5Pg——面包车alo耐玩游戏网

Police Car: 7Pg——警车alo耐玩游戏网

Taxi: 7.5Pg——的士alo耐玩游戏网

Ice Cream Truck: 8Pg——冰淇淋车alo耐玩游戏网

Lorry: 8.5Pg——大货车alo耐玩游戏网

School Bus: 8.5Pg——校巴alo耐玩游戏网

London Bus: 11Pg——伦敦双层巴士alo耐玩游戏网

Dump Truck: 12Pg——泥头车alo耐玩游戏网

Pg = Polygramsalo耐玩游戏网

4.1 - Boat船舶alo耐玩游戏网

Some bridges need to allow boats to pass as well as traverse a gap.Boats don't stop for anything, make sure your bridge is clear!alo耐玩游戏网


Small Tugboat: A cute littletugboat, Size: Small, 6x10——小型拖轮alo耐玩游戏网

Tugboat: Needs lots of room,Size: Large, 9x17——拖轮alo耐玩游戏网


poly bridge Tips桥梁建造游戏小提示


Red static joints are points to distribute the load ofthe structure and vehicles. As they are immovable, connecting two static jointsdirectly to each other has no effect.


Triangles are your friend! Triangles are one of the strongest shapes, allowing loads tobe distributed throughout a structure without collapsing. Equilateral triangles, triangles with all sides the same length, are especially strong.alo耐玩游戏网



Split Joints分离节点alo耐玩游戏网

Split joints allow you to make planned joint breaks for use with hydraulics. Ensure both sides of the split joint are supported independently.alo耐玩游戏网


Pivot Points枢纽节点alo耐玩游戏网

Pivot points can make or break your bridge, literally. Two lengths of material create a pivot point at their joint and can greatly weaken a structure, or be used in a drawbridge.alo耐玩游戏网


Arches and Parabolas 拱结构与抛物线型结构alo耐玩游戏网

Anarch or parabola is a very strong shape that distributes a load evenly across a structure.alo耐玩游戏网



Use the terrain to your advantage. Terrain, like static joints, is immovable and can be used to rest your structures upon or against.alo耐玩游戏网


Detecting Weak Points 找出薄弱环节alo耐玩游戏网

There are a few ways you can detect weak points in your structure. Turning the stress view on allows you to see the live load on your structure during simulation.You can adjust the speed of the simulation with the slider at the top of your screen. In the replay viewer you can adjust the sliders to see a frame-by-frame view of the action. See 7- Replays for more info.alo耐玩游戏网



Without getting too specific or technical, a suspension bridge primarily works by placing the load of the structure upon pillars, compressing them downwards.While tricky to work with, suspension bridges can span large distances for much cheaper than steel.alo耐玩游戏网

Hint: You don’t have to connect all joints on the suspension, just use what youneed.

(悬索桥,又名吊桥(suspension bridge)指的是以通过索塔悬挂并锚固于两岸(或桥两端)的缆索(或钢链)作为上部结构主要承重构件的桥梁。)alo耐玩游戏网

